Wednesday, March 23, 2011

silver & gold

In case you haven't noticed, we live in a world of hurt. Over the last few years, almost every part of the globe has been hit with a natural, man-made, or political disaster. Before one area can recover, another is hit - like waves crashing down while the previous one is still receding. If you've ever almost drowned in a shore break, you know what that feels like! Resources to deal with these disasters are strained as compassionate people empty their pockets yet again. Earthquakes in China, Haiti...oil explosion in the gulf...floods in Tennessee, Thailand...Tsunami in Japan and the Pacific Rim...rioting in France, Egypt...a new war in Libya...nuclear meltdown? Religious persecution rages unchecked for millions. Drug addiction and human slave trafficking have reached an historic high. Crazy-level corruption causes terror and chaos all over Africa and South America. On top of all this, many predict the damage caused by the recent tsunami will pale in comparison to the catastrophic effects of the coming worldwide, economic "tsunami." Feeling a little anxiety yet?

How do YOU respond when human suffering reaches such proportions? Are you just too charity'd out to hear anymore? So you set your TIVO and throw another burger on the barby? Even the most caring and well-meaning can only take so much, right? But then you step outside and realize that pain is not just for the far's right at your door. Marriages are crumbling, cancer crops up in the "nicest" people, the young husband next door will not be returning from Iraq, the Ph.d can't find a job and bills are piling up... So, how DO you respond?

This morning, as I read about yet another group of Christians in Pakistan being murdered in the street, I asked myself that question. So much suffering, yet what can I do? I have NOTHING to give! I am like someone with a squirt gun standing in the middle of a California forest fire. Suddenly the Holy Spirit brought to mind the story of Peter and John at the steps of the temple, faced with the impossible need of a crippled man. They could not give him what he thought he needed; their pockets were empty. Peter replied, "Silver and gold I do not have..." Ah, but he didn't stop there. He continued, "...but what I have, I give you."

OK, then! Silver and gold we may not have, but think about what we DO have! We have what is needed! I was sitting here thinking, "I have nothing." And Jesus agreed with me in a sense. "You're right. Apart from me, you have nothing. But you have me! And 'me' is what is needed. In me, you have your inheritance, the resources of heaven."

I have inherited so much more than silver and gold. What have I done with my inheritance? When is the last time I said to someone, "what I have, I give you" and prayed the Kingdom into their life? How have I stewarded this amazing inheritance? I think about the younger brother in Jesus' parable of the man with two sons. He was not a type of the unbeliever as many interpret the story. He was a "son!" But he took his inheritance and squandered it on selfish, short-sighted living. We have an anointing, an inheritance that we are meant to steward wisely. "Freely you have received; freely give," Jesus said regarding this inheritance. Am I giving away the presence and power of Jesus? Or am I just enjoying the blessings of my own little world?

We live in a world of hurt. But we have a whole lot more than a squirt gun. We have the thundering rain of heaven! And it showers comfort on the deepest sorrows and healing on the greatest pain. Every Christian out there needs to be rising up, dancing in the rain and telling the world, "Silver and gold I may not have, but what I DO have, I freely give you." Let it rain!

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